Getting Ready for the Season, July 2009
We have been working hard on the Light, Music Show, and website the past few months and we are starting to make some real progress! This year's show is going to be bigger and better. Our main focus right now is finding sponsors for the event. We generated a huge amount of food from the donations from last year's show but we also require additional funds to offset the expensive equipment used at the house for the show. This is a great opportunity for your business to advertise and give back to the community and the needy. All sponsors advertising our provided resources online and at the house. Your support is greatly appreciated!
New Year Show January 2010
We stepped things up for the 2009 show after a successful 2008 Christmas season. Thanks to all of our supporters we were able to raise $511.00 and 186 lbs. of food! During the past two years that total $972.96 and 372 lbs. of food. Remember, you can start donating any time. Go to our PayPal donation center and make a difference! We now have a new website layout and are in the process of planning the 2010 show. Make sure you check back here for updates so you can see our progress!
2010 Tornado Show
95% of all my efforts went to tornado recovery. June 17th, 2010 Minnesota had a record 28 tornado. An EF4-EF5 hit the city of Wadena that day. We had tornado warnings, straight-line winds, and the craziest weather the entire summer! I never want to hear the National Weather Service Warning as often ever again! The show was dedicated to all the Red Cross, Salvation Army, National Guard, numerous law enforcement agencies, fire departments, and thousands of volunteers.
2011 Show is Complete
With my home being put back together after the tornado last year, my time was at a premium. I made and added the angels on the roof and all the peppermint candy cane lights. WOW....the support of the area, word on the street, media coverage continues to grow and grow. Constructed a "Mega Video Wreath," 1100 lbs, 22,000 feet of Garland, 27,000 LED lights, rear projector screen material connected with 36 bungee cords. We use a crane to install and remove with a custom trailer to storage.
2012 Show is Complete
Completed the idea of having an Angel descend/ascend from the sky to play an 8-foot harp thru the wind, snow, and sub-zero weather along with two groups of four angels singing in harmony on the roof. Coupled with the addition of the two chimney spotlights, the disco ball lighted by four Led pin spots and additional video sequences...WOW, the show is so cool! Hope you enjoy it.
2013 Show is Complete
Changed out thousands of incandescent light bulbs and replaced them with C6 strawberry LED's. Added the LED pixel tree with additional songs. 1872 programmable channels with each pixel capable of 3.2 million color combinations. Super high tech.
2014 Show is Complete
Made 32 candy cane lights, purchased a telephone pole had it installed to run the shooting stars from the roof to a higher viewpoint for better effects, 60 feet of 10" PVC to make large candy cane striped sticks and covered the tow telephone poles.